Camelot helps people find their way on their leadership journey. Each of us is on a unique journey and we each have a one-of-a-kind story to share with the world…what is your story?
Are you longing for deeper meaning? Are you feeling unfulfilled? Have you made what you thought were all the right moves, but you still feel empty and unsatisfied? Have you been climbing the corporate ladder only to feel like it has been leaning up against the wrong building? Wondering how you will overcome the challenges that are currently set before you?
Too many leadership programs focus on the formula of skills + tools = leader. This “just add water” approach fails to connect because there’s never been a person like you in the history of the world. Truly unique and uniquely called, there’s a “YOU” shaped hole in the world. And you are the only person who can fill it.
Camelot’s leadership coaching programs—all based on the Legendary Leadership ® development model—will show you how to fully realize your talents, skills, dreams, and purpose. It’s about finding, and fulfilling, your very unique destiny. To do that, Legendary Leadership® helps you understand where you are, connect to who you are, and chart the journey to where you are going. Only then will you know which skills, tools and knowledge you’ll need to fully realize your epic story.

Jim Finwick is the President of the Camelot Consulting Group. For the past three decades Jim has served in leadership roles in his personal and professional life. Jim’s passion for helping people fully realize their potential is evident in every interaction that you have with him. Jim sees the best in each of us, and is especially skilled at releasing greatness where there was brokenness.
Jim helps leaders to see a future where they are the best version of themselves and inspires them to take the actions necessary to realize a future beyond what they know or currently see.