The Values + Culture Connection
Human systems reflect the attributes of the people that make up the organization in question. Every organizational culture is a reflection of the values of the members of the enterprise. Especially influential are the values held by senior leadership. Therefore, organizational transformation is the result of personal transformation and the alignment of the values of the people that make up the organization.
An organization’s culture can be seen in the behaviors and actions of each individual employee and sets the standard for what is acceptable behavior within the organization. Culture determines what behaviors are rewarded and which will get you expelled.
Camelot’s Culture in Motion® equips you to pull back the curtain of individual behavior and look closely at the world view of the company on the whole. Understanding the collective world-view of the organization gives unique insights into the stage of development of the company. Once this is clearly understood, a customized approach to business transformation can be created.
Culture in Motion® will enable you to understand the connection between individual values and the desired values of the organization and allow you to lead organizational development and cultural change to fulfill the organization’s mission.
Genuine success does not come from proclaiming values, but from consistently putting them into daily action. When aligned around share values and united in a common mission, ordinary people accomplish extraordinary results. ~ Ken Blanchard
Culture Shift
As organizations move through a predictable life-cycle, the culture shifts. What was most urgent and important to an entrepreneurial startup becomes less critical for the organization when it is an established organization. The “just get it done” approach becomes a hinderance for growth, and the organization must mature to put in place healthy processes to assure repeated success. If the company culture does not keep pace with the organizational requirements, then the new process will be viewed as unnecessary “bureaucracy” and the very thing the company needs to succeed is rejected as being “overly corporate”
The core leadership team of an organization needs a way to anticipate the normal stages of development that occur, and must mature at a rate that keeps pace with the company.
The stages an organization experiences start with basic needs like safety and security and eventually mature past the “survival” phase and into a place of sustained profitability. Past organizations focused on sustaining a “level 4” set of values with a heavy emphasis on profitability. This “Institutional” level of development has been the cause of much frustration as of late, and many organizations are maturing past a hyper-focus on profit and are now concerned with a triple bottom-line of people, planet and profit.

Team Alignment
Teams can be a complex organizational construct. Bringing together a number of people with different backgrounds, strengths, values, experiences and preferences can be tricky.
Camelot’s Culture in Motion® consulting allows team members to better understand where they are in terms of their own development, as well as see the combined values of the entire team. Knowing the core values for the team allows groups to enter a collaborative space with “eyes wide open” about the things that will come easy to them as well as the areas where they are destined to run into trouble.
The quality of the relationships of individuals in the group alter the output of the group. In fact, the higher the interaction quality within the group the greater was the individual and group learning about itself and whatever issue they were exploring ~ Brian Hall
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